Redcliffe Peninsula SLSC is committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of all our members and is dedicated to providing a safe environment for those participating in Surf Lifesaving. To find out more, click on a link to view the Member Protection policies and procedures on the SLSQ Club Management portal:


Statement of Commitment

Every person and organisation bound by this statement of commitment must always place the safety and welfare of children and young people above all other considerations.

The Redcliffe Peninsula SLSC acknowledges that our volunteers and staff provide a valuable contribution to the positive experiences of our junior members. The Redcliffe Peninsula SLSC aims to ensure this continues and to protect the safety and welfare of its junior members. Several measures will be used to achieve this such as:

  • Prohibiting any form of abuse against children;
  • Providing opportunities for our juniors to contribute to and provide feedback on our program development;
  • Carefully selecting and screening people whose role requires them to have regular contact with children.
  • Ensuring our codes of conduct, particularly for roles associated with junior sport, are promoted, enforced and reviewed;
  • Providing procedures for raising concerns or complaints; and
  • Providing education and/or information to those involved in lifesaving on child abuse and child protection.

The Redcliffe Peninsula SLSC requires that any child who is abused or anyone who reasonably suspects that a child has been or is being abused by someone within our organisation, to report it immediately to the police or Department of Communities Child Safety and Disability Services, and the club’s nominated Grievance Officer, Tom Macindoe – Redcliffe Peninsula SLSC.

All allegations of child abuse will be dealt with promptly, seriously, sensitively and confidentially. A person will not be victimised for reporting an allegation of child abuse and the privacy of all persons concerned will be respected.

If anyone bound by this statement of commitment reasonably suspects that a child is being abused by his or her parent/s, they are advised to contact the Department of Communities Child Safety and Disability Services.

[Policy & procedures are outlined on the Redcliffe Peninsula SLSC website].

Kylie Robins


Redcliffe Peninsula SLSC